
About Us

Our founders have over fifteen years of experience leading All We Are, a nonprofit organization creating renewable energy solutions for schools and health centers in Uganda. With this background, we launched Busy Engineering to provide paid services to partners across Africa. Our company utilizes a portion of its proceeds to make strategic investments that help sustain AWA’s future. 



North Carolina, USA

Nathan graduated from the University of Cincinnati and works as a Key Account Manager for LEONI. He is a Rotarian and is a Past District Governor of District 7710. Nathan founded All We Are in 2009 and manages overall operations for the organization.

Brian Ddibya

Kampala, Uganda

Brian graduated from the Buganda Royal Business and Technical Institute-Kakeeka Mmengo. He serves as All We Are’s Chief Country Officer, managing in-country operations including a growing number of solar installations across Uganda.


Education infrastructure and job creation are essential in our developing world. Busy Engineering is passionate about providing high-quality jobs and leadership experience to an in-country workforce. 

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